5782 is the Shmita year, we made a teaching kit to help you learn about Shmita and bring it into your life. There’s 7 levels of understanding the Shmita year, journal and art prompts and space for reflection. Print it out, use it virtually, share it with your friends and family. Take in the benefits of the Shmita year!
Digital download licensing agreement: If you are using your digital download in an educational setting, your single download license is good for up to 30 participants in a single group. Your license includes sharing your screen in a virtual class, printing copies of sections to distribute to participants, and sending the file out to your students for home use. Your license does not include distributing the file for a paid service, to more than 30 people, to multiple cohorts, or for organization-wide use. If you would like an extended license for uses out of scope, that may be possible. Please contact